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How do I activate my first year of Plus?Updated 5 months ago

We're here to help you activate your Sensate Plus features in the app. Whether you bought your device on our website or through Amazon, we've got you covered with easy-to-follow steps. Let's get started!

For iPhone Users:

1. Check your inbox: If you purchased your device on our website, you should have received a unique activation code via SMS or email. Take a quick look to see if you have it. If you can't find it, don't worry! Simply reach out to us and our friendly team will be more than happy to provide you with the code you need. 

2. Amazon buyers, we've got you too: If you bought your device on Amazon, no worries! Just contact us, and we'll promptly share the activation code with you.

3. Watch and follow along: We've prepared two helpful videos that guide you through the activation process. These videos showcase two different approaches, ensuring you can choose the one that suits you best. 

Directly within the app: 

Via the AppStore: 

For Android Users:

1. Get ready: Ensure that you have already downloaded the Sensate app on your Android phone. 

2. Request your unique activation link: To activate Sensate Plus, you'll need a unique activation link. If you didn't receive it, please reach out to us. Let us know that you have purchased the Sensate Plus pack and request your activation link. We'll be more than happy to provide you with the necessary details.

3. Open the link on your phone: Once you receive your unique activation link, open it on your phone. Make sure to open the link directly on your phone using the Sensate app. Do not access it on a desktop or another device.

4. Accept the activation: When you open the link, a page within your Sensate app will pop up, presenting you with your unique activation. Simply accept it, and voila! You're all set to experience the enhanced features of Sensate Plus.

Thank you for choosing Sensate as your relaxation companion, happy Sensating!

The Sensate Customer Happiness Team

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